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Dreaming of Coachella

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Cand vine vorba despre locuri foarte aglomerate, trebuie sa recunosc ca nu sunt un mare fan. Chiar daca ador sa fiu inconjurata de oameni pozitivi, care zambesc mult, festivalurile aglomerate nu sunt preferatele mele. Dar cum fiecare astfel de sentiment are si exceptia lui, trebuie sa recunosc ca visez cu ochii deschisi la ziua in care voi fi in primul rand la Coachella, festivalul californian de muzica, recunoscut in intreaga lume.

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Aceste zile a fost despre Coachella, asa ca m-am uitat cu entuziasm la outfit-urile bloggeritelor si ale vedetelor. Deci, ce purtam la un festival de muzica? Cea mai importanta regula este sa porti piese confortabile, in special incaltaminte comoda (tocurile nu sunt recomandate). Alege cizme, franjuri si accesorii boho, spune DA kimonourilor, pantalonilor scurti si salopetelor! Nu uita nici sa iti accesorizezi outfitul cu un zambet! Alege printuri si piese in nuante solare. La urmatorul festival de muzica eu cu siguranta voi purta noua mea jacheta cu franjuri (aici), o salopeta lejera, cizme si un accesoriu floral.

Sper ca ai gasit un strop de inspiratie :)

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When it comes to places with too many people, I must confess that I am not a big fan. Even though I love to be surrounded by awesome people, crowded festivals are not my favorite. As any little feeling has its own exceptions, I have to recognize that I would love to be in the front row at Coachella, the Californian music festival well-known in the entire world. These days I stared at all the photos full of smiles from Coachella and at the gorgeous outfits worn by fashion bloggers and starts. So, what to wear on a music festival? The most important rule is to wear comfy items, especially comfy shoes (high heels are not recommended, of course). Go for boots, fringes and boho chic accessories, say a big YES to kimonos, shorts and playsuits! And do not forget to accessorize your outfit with a smile! And at the next music festival, I will definitely wear this outfit: my new fringed jacket with tribal print (link below), with a simple playsuit, comfy foots and a hair accessory.

Hope I managed to inspire you! :)

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Ce am purtat/ What I wore

Jacheta/ Jacket aici/ here

Salopeta/ Playsuit Asos

Geanta/ Bag Asos

Botine/ Boots Asos


Mada M.


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