Buna, draga mea! Probabil te pregatesti pentru un week-end minunat sau pentru Paste, deci nu te voi tine cu povesti. Eu sunt o albinuta zilele acestea, dar am vrut sa iti arat un outfit simplu si elegant care sa te inspire in aceste zile formale ce urmeaza. Daca vei lua masa la parintii tai, la alte rude sau la mama soacra, alege o fusta plisata cu lungime medie, sigur nu vei da gres cu ea. Este atat de feminina si eleganta, eu ador genul acesta de fuste. Pentru a-ti prezenta look-ul eu am ales o fusta argintie (aici) si o bluza alba cu volane (aici). Mi-am completat outfit-ul cu condurii mei cei noi si cu o geanta Guess.
P.S. Daca si tu iubesti magazinul Romwe cum il iubesc si eu, am o surpriza pentru tine! Utilizeaza codul RW-signaturebymm60 si ai o reducere de 60% la orice comanda pana pe 14 mai.
Hello, my dear! Probably you are preparing for an awesome week-end or for Easter, so I will not keep you busy with stories. I am a busy bee these days, making lots of preparations for Easter, but I wanted to show you a simple and elegant look that maybe will inspire you for these formal days. If you are going to take dinner at your parents, at other relatives or at your mother in law, choose a pleated skirt with medium lenght, you cannot got wrong with it. It is so feminine and elegant, I love this kind of skirts. I chose a silver pleated skirt (link below) and a white ruffled blouse (link below). I completed my outfit with my Cinderella shoes and a Guess bag.
P.S. If you love Romwe as much as I do, I have a surprise for you! Use my code RW-signaturebymm60 and you will get a 60% off at any order untill 14th of May.
Ce am purtat/ What I wore
Pantofi/ Shoes Asos
Geanta/ Bag Guess
Mada M.
Cred ca ai doar comori in colectia de pantofi, foarte frumosi si acestia :).te pup!