madalina misu, camel coat, blog, blog de moda, fashion blog, signature by mm, palton camel, romwe, how to wear the camel coat, perfect outfit for cold days, how to be stylish in the winter, cum purtam caciula, mango, love moschino, fashion days, h&m

Perfect outfit for cold days

madalina misu, camel coat, blog, blog de moda, fashion blog, signature by mm, palton camel, romwe, how to wear the camel coat, perfect outfit for cold days, how to be stylish in the winter, cum purtam caciula, mango, love moschino, fashion days, h&mHappy New Year, dragilor! Sa aveti un an fabulos, plin de zambete si fericire! Cum ati inceput noul an? Eu cu multe planuri si visuri, cu energie pozitiva si cu dorinta de a posta pe blog, de a povesti cu voi :-) Toata vacanta mi-am dorit sa pot fredona but as long as you love me so, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! Ei bine, zapada a ajuns cu putina intarziere si probabil nu a ales cea mai potrivita zi de a-si face aparitia, dar nu ma plang, desi temperaturile scazute nu sunt tocmai preferatele mele.

madalina misu, camel coat, blog, blog de moda, fashion blog, signature by mm, palton camel, romwe, how to wear the camel coat, perfect outfit for cold days, how to be stylish in the winter, cum purtam caciula, mango, love moschino, fashion days, h&m

Daca aveti aceeasi problema, probabil outfitul de astazi va va placea fiindca este ideal pentru zilele reci. Stiti deja ca ador sa caut comori in magazinele online, asa am si descoperit acest minunat palton camel (AICI) care costa mai putin de 20$. Este frumos si stylish, nu am avut unul asemanator si acum ca l-am descoperit pe acesta il vad in infinite combinatii. Are cordon si buzunare, ceea ce este minunat din punctul meu de vedere. Magazinul online are numeroase reduceri in aceasta perioada, le gasiti AICI.

De data aceasta l-am purtat cu camasa si pulover, cu pantaloni albi, botine in stilul anilor ’70, cu o caciula pufoasa alba si cu o geanta Love Moschino.

Thumbs up pentru layering si caciuli, solutia zilelor friguroase!

madalina misu, camel coat, blog, blog de moda, fashion blog, signature by mm, palton camel, romwe, how to wear the camel coat, perfect outfit for cold days, how to be stylish in the winter, cum purtam caciula, mango, love moschino, fashion days, h&m madalina misu, camel coat, blog, blog de moda, fashion blog, signature by mm, palton camel, romwe, how to wear the camel coat, perfect outfit for cold days, how to be stylish in the winter, cum purtam caciula, mango, love moschino, fashion days, h&m madalina misu, camel coat, blog, blog de moda, fashion blog, signature by mm, palton camel, romwe, how to wear the camel coat, perfect outfit for cold days, how to be stylish in the winter, cum purtam caciula, mango, love moschino, fashion days, h&m madalina misu, camel coat, blog, blog de moda, fashion blog, signature by mm, palton camel, romwe, how to wear the camel coat, perfect outfit for cold days, how to be stylish in the winter, cum purtam caciula, mango, love moschino, fashion days, h&m madalina misu, camel coat, blog, blog de moda, fashion blog, signature by mm, palton camel, romwe, how to wear the camel coat, perfect outfit for cold days, how to be stylish in the winter, cum purtam caciula, mango, love moschino, fashion days, h&m

Happy New Year, my dear ones! May you have a fabulous year , one full of smiles and happiness! How did you started the new year? I started it with lots of plans and dreams, with positive vibes and with a great desire of posting articles on the blog, to keep in touch with you.

All the holiday time I wished I could sing but as long as you love me so, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! Well, the snow came with a little delay and probably wasn’t the best time to show up, but I can’t complain even though low temperatures aren’t my fav. If you have the same problem, probably you will like today’s outfit because it is just perfect for the cold weather. You also know that I just love looking for treasures in online shops, this is how I discovered this amazing camel coat (HERE) at a really low price, less than 20$. It is so beautiful and stylish, I didn’t had a camel coat before and now that I discovered this beauty I would wear it in lots of combos. It has a belt and pockets, which is amazing. The online shop has lots of sales these days, you can find lots of coats models HERE.

I wore it with a shirt and a sweater, with white pants, 70’s style boots and with a fluffy hat, outfit completed by a Love Moschino bag.

Thumbs up for layering and hats, my solution for snowy days!

madalina misu, camel coat, blog, blog de moda, fashion blog, signature by mm, palton camel, romwe, how to wear the camel coat, perfect outfit for cold days, how to be stylish in the winter, cum purtam caciula, mango, love moschino, fashion days, h&m madalina misu, camel coat, blog, blog de moda, fashion blog, signature by mm, palton camel, romwe, how to wear the camel coat, perfect outfit for cold days, how to be stylish in the winter, cum purtam caciula, mango, love moschino, fashion days, h&m madalina misu, camel coat, blog, blog de moda, fashion blog, signature by mm, palton camel, romwe, how to wear the camel coat, perfect outfit for cold days, how to be stylish in the winter, cum purtam caciula, mango, love moschino, fashion days, h&m

Ce am purtat/ What I wore

Palton camel/ Camel coat Romwe aici/ here

Pantaloni/ Pants H&M

Botine/ Boots Mango

Geanta/ Bag Love Moschino


Mada M. 


Comments (9)

  • Am si eu o caciulita asemanatoare si imi place tare mult! Tine de cald si arata si bine! Am impuscat doi iepuri deodata! :))

    • Daaa, sa stii ca e super sa porti caciula 😀 Eu nu eram cel mai mare fan, dar se pare ca varsta m-a schimbat 😀 Acum ador sa port caciula, cat despre cea din postarea asta, nici nu mai stiu de unde o am, e super veche 😀 Te pup

  • Frumoasa mea, iti doresc un an nou minunat!te pup si imbratisez cu drag :*

  • La multi ani, sa ai un an minunat exact ca tine .
    Superba tinuta, geanta e wow…si apropo de genti, am primit-o si eu pe cea de la Valentina si este SUPERBA.
    In caz ca mai stii gentile lor, eu o am pe cea cu benzi desenate .
    Te pup draga mea :)

    • Îți mulțumesc, scumpa mea Ana! De un an minunat sa te bucuri și tu, sa fie un an frumos, exact cum esti tu! Mă bucur mult ca iti place tinuta mea :-) Referitor la gentuta ta, este una cu mai multe tipe? 😀 Oricum, sunt sigura ca arata wow! Sper sa mai prind și eu Valentina :-(
      Te pup, scumpa mea! Sa ai o saptamana minunata!

      • Da draga mea, aceea este . Ce crezi ? Am gasit-o si in alt magazin online dar nu este specificat brandul, oare de ce ? aceasta este , dar in realitate arata mult mai bine . Te pup !!

        • Vaaai, cat de tare ca am ghicit gentuta, stiam eu ca avem gusturi asemanatoare! Sa o porti sanatoasa <3 Nu stiu ce sa zic de magazinul asta online, asa este si pe Vivre (care este super dragut cu lucruri de casa, dar mai au si branduri de haine/ ceasuri unde, la fel, nu scriu brandul, nu stiu de ce).
          P.S. Eu am comandat o gentuta Moschino si are un defect, trebuie sa o returnez :-(

  • Imi caut si eu un asemenea palton dar un pic mai grosut, am vazut ceva la Zara dar si ala mi se pare destul de subtire…vreau un palton pentru geruri naprasnice cum au fost primele zile ale anului 😉

    • Hm, poate reușești sa găsești ceva pe placul tău 😀 Mai caută pe Romwe, eu am de la ei și din lana, deci foarte groase :-) Te pup


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